Well, well, well.... it's all about the minor adjustments, isn't it?
So the last time I talked to you I had just had a little unfill to get me to a more comfortable place. Well, I think it's just about perfect. I had been disappointed because I hadn't been sure that this little tiny bit would make that much of a difference, but guess what? It has.
My fill is currently about 5.2cc's or so. That .2 doesn't sound like much, but it's right on track for me. I'm eating less, but not so tight that I'm puking every day. Not to say that I haven't lost a lunch or two, but it was out of stupidity, not the band. I seem to have the most trouble when I'm eating with someone and am talking, I forget to chew. heh... which sends me to the bathroom to do a PB, then I can go back to eating, and pay more attention after that.
Prior to the fill, I was eating until I felt full and then just a little more, but then a half hour later, I was in pain because all that food was backed up and would pull my esophagus to the side if I leaned one way or another. This doesn't happen now because I get full faster, and stop eating sooner and I puke if I eat that "just a little more", so I get that instant feedback that I wasn't getting before this last fill.
Needless to say, I'm back into the 180's.. I would have posted on this sooner, but I didn't want to jinx it!! lol
I want to also say, how much difference 10 pounds makes in wearing clothes. A few weeks ago I was bordering around 194-200 and all my clothes were tight. Now, at 187, my clothes are all baggy and pants I've been avoiding because of the pudge now fit me again.
*Crossing my fingers* This is going well, here's to hoping it continues!!
Important note in regards to the fill...
For the last year, all my fills have been done with a certain size of needle/syringe that made it difficult to get a smaller number because it was harder to read, so we were moving up and down at a .5 or higher range. This last one was so small because the doc changed to a different one and was better able to read the amount he was pulling out. I would like to tell you all out there if you are having trouble with getting just the right fill and your doctor tells you that its too hard to tell if he's getting the right amount... Ask for another size needle/syringe!!! They do make them smaller for better accuracy! I did not know this. I could have saved myself tons of trouble last year had I known this to be the case!!
Current weight: 187lbs
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