Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Ok, so something I didn't say anything about because it freaked me out, and I was ashamed for awhile because I thought it might be true.  I was in the gym, and had just gotten done with my workout.  I was tired, and clumsy and when I went to weigh myself I knocked the display for the scale off the wall.

When I got on the scale, after putting it back up, it read a huge 30 pound GAIN.  It said 232 lbs.  So I got off and back on again after zeroing it out it dropped to 230, then again and it dropped to 229, then again, but no change.  I thought, how the heck is this possible??!  I just weighed myself the week before and I was 199.  You can't gain 30 freaking pounds in a week!  Can you??

So I avoided the scale for awhile, scared that it might have been accurate.  I dedicated myself to eating better and exercising more.  I even decided to go on liquids for a few days to let my stomach shrink back.  I had been eating too much and I was sure my mini-tummy was stretched.

After the two days of liquids, and running, I got up the courage again. and found that I was back to just about 200.  Phew.

Current weight: 200.8lbs

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Yikes!! So was it the scale?? Maybe you were wearing really heavy shoes. LOL Glad it's back to normal.