Friday, August 20, 2010


Still at 197. It's the candy. The ice cream. The junk. ick. I don't know what's wrong with me. I know it's all mental, but dang it's hard to get back to eating how I was when I was losing weight. At least the upswing has stopped now.

Food so far today:
Breakfast -
1 can diet coke
2 boiled eggs
1/3 of a small apple fritter donut (I gave the rest away so I wouldn't be tempted to nibble)
5 oz of vitamin water Zero

Lunch -
1/2 cup of punch
1 small plate of stuff from Hometown buffet (basically a spoon or two of a bunch of different stuff, probably equal to about 1 1/2 cups (maybe 2) or so if you stuffed it all in there)
1 piece of cheesecake
1/2 cup of sugar-free/fat-free froYo.

So lunch was about twice as much as I should have had, and the cheesecake was totally unnecessary.

I've only been on my bike once this week. Busy busy. No excuse though. I could be going to the gym at lunch and I'm not doing that either. wtf is wrong with me? I know I don't want to be fat anymore and I know that my clothes are too snug, and I really REALLY don't want to start upsizing my clothes again. Am I going to be a statistic and let my subconscious need to be fat overrule my desire to be the skinny me I know I really am? Am I just whining? I think yes, I am. lol

Oh, also, I got a call from Dr. Maccoll's nurse. They had my test results back for my 1 year check up. I'm doing great on everything, except my cholesterol is slightly above normal. It's 200 I think they said and should be 170-something I think. My good cholesterol was fine. She asked if I was exercising, and I said yes, which is the truth, but I don't think I'm exercising enough. She said that exercise will often help it. She said that I should see my GP about maybe taking something for it or other ways to help it.

Current weight: 197lbs

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