Thursday, July 29, 2010

Facing the music

I did it.  I took the plunge and weighed myself yesterday.  I've been avoiding it because of my 4 or more months of unrestricted eating and bad exercise habits.   It wasn't as bad as I thought!! I've only gained 10 pounds! I didn't think it would be too bad, I am still a 14/16 after all.  My size 14 clothes still fit, but they are getting tight.  I really need to get back on the exercise bandwagon.  I think that would fix my issues all together.  Also, I have my next fill coming up next week, the day before my birthday, so hopefully I'll kick myself in the ass and finish out my weight loss.

I was kind of afraid that I would end up doing this.  Getting to a reasonable weight, and then stopping and getting comfortable.  I need new incentive.  It was easy exercising everyday when I got a pound a day or even a few pounds a week loss as feedback.  Ever since my band was loosened, I've felt very anti-exercise, and completely unmotivated.  I know it's just mental, but it's so hard to get past it.  I still exercise in other ways, try to get myself off the couch alot, do more active things with my kids and all that.  But I haven't really been doing a steady 1/2 hour or more per day that I know I should be.

I do walk at lunch most days.  That's about 20-30 minutes, but it's more of a stroll than exercise.  I need something more than that, really.  I really need to get back to running every other day.  Hrrumpf.

Current weight: 196 lbs.


Amanda Kiska said...

How about cycling? I love riding my bike and it is fun to do with the kids. I ride two days a week to work and I ride to church each week as well. If you don't feel like running, chances are you won't stick with it. Find something you do love. Sign up for a class at the Y or through the Parks & Rec Dept. Start going to family swims at the pool and swim laps. Or sign up to walk dogs at the local animal shelter. There are lots of fun things to do. I hope you find something you want to do!

Angi said...

Amanda - I love bikes! Unfortunately I live in an area where they get stolen quick if they aren't in a building. So I don't have one because I don't have room. I am going to start up the stationary version at my gym soon though. I've been meaning too all week, but I keep forgetting my workout gear. (My gym is at work)

Dinnerland said...

You can do this-- good on ya for getting on the scale.. that is the first step and you're back on your way.