Total Pounds Down:

I'm back down again. Just over 5 lbs. lost. I've been avoiding the scales for fear that I would have gained weight but felt I needed to do it this morning and get it over with. I just took a look at my last post and realized that I hadn't updated that the 217 I had been at had only been temporary. I was back down to 212 a few days ago. The 207 is 5 pounds down from even that. So what I thought was going to be a horrible month for weight-loss turned out to be ok. Yay!
I'm still healing from my surgery, and still have tubes in my sides, so typing for extended periods of time is still not cool. This post is short, sorry.
I go in on the 29th to add fluid to my new fake boobs. So, I'll gain weight there, but not real weight. lol Fluid, not fat.
Oh, and I didn't go back to work Thursday. I'll be there Monday though.
Current weight: 207 lbs.
Current BMI: 35'ish
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