Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Skipped over 225

It's my official Tuesday weigh in day, and boy what a surprise I got! I skipped the 225 mark entirely, and went directly to 224 by losing 2 pounds! How exciting is that??

I was telling my BF the other day that this is like a video game, a roleplaying video game, like Final Fantasy. I get positive reinforcement for doing the right thing, I "gain levels" or rather... Lose Levels! lol .. As long as I keep playing the game.

If you're curious about what I've been eating, here's a list of what I ate yesterday:

Breakfast: 1 S.F. rice pudding cup
Snack: water.... lol - it's true! I was getting hungry so I drank water.
Lunch: a few bites of General Tso's chicken
Snack: 2"x2" piece of cake, with filling on it, and some frosting
Snack: 2 tbsp. tropical crab salad, minus some of the pineapple.
Dinner: 3/4 in. slice of giant hoagie sandwich, and 1 chip

Mind you, I don't normally eat cake. That was my leftover piece from the other day when we were watching movies. There's still some of that same piece in the fridge. And I overestimated about how much I ate of it. The rest though, is pretty accurate. Especially the breakfast. That sugar free pudding is what I have almost every morning, because my band is especially tight in the morning.

I discovered recently some foods that I cannot eat:
  • Carrots. Cooked or otherwise, doesn't matter. They stick.
  • Cooked Celery. Not sure about raw, haven't tried much.
  • Overcooked pork chops.
On the exercise front, I did another day of the Couch to 5k program yesterday, well, actually the same day. heh. I redid Day 1 again. I'm still unable to complete all the run segments. I did 6 out of 9 yesterday. My legs were killing me. They hurt for like 2 hours afterward. Oddly, I'm not really sore today. o_O Weird.

Current weight: 224lbs.

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