Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Weight Update

Wowee Zowee. I was afraid I was stuck at 238 and would never lose any more weight. (That's how it feels, you know, like a diet, a diet that will fail just like every other diet.) I did though! I lost another 1.2 pounds! This puts me at 237! In the bottom of the 237's even. If I lost another 1/2 pound I would be 236!! OMG. This is so awesome. Even without the fill I'm still doing ok! I would rather be losing 3-4 pounds per week, but losing any is still awesome.

So last night, I almost had a PB experience. The family was having one of those On-cor Entrees, the barbeque fake pork patties that we all love, but I didn't want to have those calories, so I got 3/4 of a chicken breast instead and coated it with the sauce from the patties. It was well tasty, let me tell you. So I put that, a little over a scoop of broccoli, and 5 onion rings on my plate. Well, to be honest, I ate 3 of those onion rings right off the pan, but the total eaten was 5.

So I ate all the onion rings, most of the broccoli, and all but a bite of the chicken. When I got to the last bite of broccoli and chicken, that I ate, I was almost forcing it down. It was just so tasty, and it didn't seem like I'd eaten that much. I've eaten whole chicken boobs before, and this was only 3/4. I'm thinking it was because I ate those onion rings first though. Anyway, I was stuffed to the gills. It hurt after a minute or two, then my throat started clogging up with slime, it felt kinda like the snot that builds up in the back of my throat when my sinuses get all crazy.

Nothing came up though. I don't think I was even nauseous. I had a slight pressure, right below the point that I would have felt sick, but it never quite made it that far. Then a few minutes later I burped really nicely and it settled better. Still hurt, but not so much, and the slime mostly went away.

Current weight: 237lbs.

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