Thursday, July 19, 2012

Update 2012

Checking in with you all, who ever still reads this.

My surgery was converted to a gastric sleeve back on the last week of March.   I lost a few more pounds.  It's easier to eat now, but also easier to eat more. 

Kinda struggling with eating right now that I have less restriction, but I'll be ok.  I have a new goal set to be at 160 in a year.  I think that's an achievable goal, as long as I don't keep backsliding.

Well, that's all for now, hope everybody is doing well! *hugs*

Current weight: 172lbs


Lap Band Gal said...

Hi! I'm here. I read. Nice goal of can get there ! :)

Angi said...

Thanks, Lap Band Gal!