Thursday, November 12, 2009

10 Pounds up.

I've been MIA because I've been busy and eating like crazy. I got all the fluid out on the 3rd, because of the damn pork chop I ate, and for the last week I've been eating everything I knew I wasn't gonna be able to get down soon. I had Olive Garden bread sticks, pizza, pasta, and lots and lots of bread! Sandwiches, toast, etc. I've been a very bad girl. Now, I haven't been eating seconds (except once) and I still wasn't eating all that much in general. Just alot of carbs and stuff.

I didn't do too bad, or at least not as bad as I thought I would. In the first week I was gaining about 1-2 pounds a day, then it must have leveled off a little because I only gained 10 pounds, when I expected to gain 15-20 in that amount of time.

Either way, I've got fluid in there now, though, I'm not sure it's enough. And I'll go back in in a week or so to get some more once this settles. It doesn't feel like enough right now, but maybe tomorrow it'll feel more restrictive. That's usually how it goes.

Current weight: 205lbs.


Dinnerland said...

Good luck on losing that 10 pounds, but you will do it. Try to find the middle ground between restricting your intake so much and enjoying food-- even with the band. Does this make sense?
I am one to talk, having not been banded yet... but just some thoughts for you.

Kathy said...

I totally understand. I was doing the same thing, I kept thinking I have to eat at this place or that place before I get filled again. It was like a last meal thing. Ah, so good to have a filled band again isn't it?

Angi said...

@dinnerland - Thanks

@Kathy - Yes, it's such a relief to know that my band will be there to catch me when I inevitably fall again! lol