Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The boyfriend knocked the Wii sensor on the floor behind our TV last night, and didn't want to pick it up till today, and I can't reach it. Which means no weigh in this morning. Grr. Oh well, maybe if I'm super lucky it'll be under 200 tomorrow when I weigh in. My 6 weeks of no exercise is up, so if it's not raining too hard when I get off work, I'm going to restart my couch to 5k. That'll give my metabolism a jumpstart for sure. I was going to do the elliptical today at lunch, but I forgot to pack my gym clothes. Maybe I'll come back to work and do the elliptical if it's raining. Then I can just come in, do what I have to do and leave when I'm done, and shower at home. That's a really good idea. I might just do that.

Current weight: 201lbs (Last I checked)


Kathy said...

Good for you Angi. I hope you can get back into your workouts and see the results too. I forgot why or maybe I didn't read why you haven't worked out for 6 weeks. Anyway, good luck with your exercise.

Angi said...

I had my first reconstructive surgery for my boobs, and I wasn't allowed to exercise for 6 weeks so they could heal fully. I'll have the same problem at the end of December, for my second surgery.