Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Now I'm here, How do I get down?

Ok, so I made it to my gain goal of 250. I wanted to be safe and have a cushion against the next few months of dieting. I hate being here. This is my highest weight ever. It was where I got to that made me decide to get the WLS. It was before I started eating like a WLS'er and before I lost 10 pounds. I had gotten down to 239 at one point before I tried regaining the weight. The weight was hard to gain back.

It took me several weeks to get to 246'ish, and then several more to get to 250. Now I'm tipping the scales in the evening to 251... and I'm trying to get back to dieting and I'm failing miserably. I had trained myself not to eat, then trained myself to eat more, and now I'm trying to get back into loosing again, although slower this time.

I feel like I'm superman, trying to stop a speeding train. You know how in the cartoons it takes him several blocks before the train actually stops? And his feet drag on the ground pulling up the all the train ties? Well that's me. I'm fighting this big train that just wants to keep moving on inertia.

I will be so happy to see 249 239 again. lol.

Current weight: 250
Time to WLS approval: 4 months, 9 days.

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