woozy but overall, ok. I called the lapband center on Friday,
explained what I'd eaten and that I figured it was just swelling.
The nurse, Rosemary, agreed. She said I should be liquids for a day
or so, if it gets worse over the weekend, go to the ER. If no change,
call her Monday and they'll do a scope. Personally I'd really
rather not do a scope. That sounds scarier than a shot. So I'm
hoping I don't have to get that done.
Thinking about it, I realized it could be the anibiotic pill I took
Wednesday afternoon too. I'd originally thought it was swelling from
a failed attempt to eat pork chops, but it could be that the pork
chops got stuck because of the pill that I took. it could also be
stress, if I thought I could manage it I would take a Xanax just to
rule that out, but it may not go down.
On the plus side I've lost a few more pounds. I'm down to 195 lbs.
Also, on the NSV side, my boyfriend put his hands on my shoulders
yesterday and was slightly creeped out by how skinny they felt to
him. heh. And my neice told me how thin I looked yesterday. Let's
hope she didn't mean gaunt. lol
Anyway, I'm doing all this on my iPhone, and my thumbs are getting
tired. So, I'll talk to you all later. TTFN!
Current weight: 195lbs.
TTFN! So funny...
Anyway-- you go 'skinny shouldered girl'-- rawr!!
I hope you are feeling much better soon. Big question: do you have a PILL CRUSHER???
Sounds like you are in desperate need of one of those suckers. Get thee to a pharmacy stat (that means fast in medical speak.)
Please feel much better soon...
I do not have one. That is a great idea though!! Thanks. I will check and see if I can find one. :)
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