Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I recently had a lump in my breast that was about the size of a softball. It needed to be removed. It was benign, but it was still growing and was causing me pain. I went to a surgeon on January 4th to discuss it and he agreed that it needed to be removed. I was scheduled for a January 17th surgery date.

Well, on the 16th I got a letter. It was an estimate for my care, listing the wrong insurance company and a large patient liability. I looked at it and went... OMG.

After calling the hospital, I found that they indeed had the correct insurance, it was just listed wrong on that paper. They mentioned that when they'd called they found out there was a $4500 deductible on my insurance.


No. This is not the case. My deductable was $750 - Only $750. WTF are you talking about??

I called the insurance. They said that this is a family plan, that the deductible was the entire family's deductible. No worries, my company (the one I work for) pays for half of that deductible. So yours is only $2250.

Well, that's better, but unfortunately not what I was figuring on when I planned to get the LapBand surgery. The out-of-pocket was supposed to be $1700 with the deductible and the copay amount. It was not supposed to go over that. Now, I have this surgery and the WLS surgery and both together would bring my total to $4000 + .

Not okay. Not one bit.

So guess what that means? No LapBand. Not this year, and with the current insurance trend, not ever. *cries*

But guess what? My mom's on state medical care, and they offered her one for free. So at least someone is getting it. Not little miss middle-class-me though.

I'll be closing this blog soon. Thanks for reading.

Current weight: ???
Time to WLS approval: 2 mos and a few days??

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

I'm so sorry to hear that :(. I wondered how this new healthfund stuff would work.

We just have to hope that a Democrat gets elected this year and hope that they are able to get universal healthcare running by next year. Hopefully the person elected isn't someone that already failed to get universal healthcare implemented last time.

Good luck. I tried to donate but was told the certificate was invalid. What is your paypal email address?